Sunday, February 13, 2011

Markus Schulz announces new city compilation "Prague'11"

In 2009 and 2010, respectively Marcus devoted his compilation to North America. This year, that honor fell out of one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe, Prague. Almost immediately after the announcement of this news came the cover to release. It shows a breathtaking view of Prague.
                                 "The boundaries of the music scene is constantly expanding, regardless of styles that are at the peak of popularity - Marcus says - except for Czechoslovakia, in this case involved and the countries of eastern Europe - such as Poland and Ukraine. Trance-music managed to grasp the immensity - and I, like a mirror, trying to reflect this in their work. "
                                           In November last year, the musician spent a long time in finding a suitable electronic sound especially for its new release Prague'11. On February 11, The German musician will present his new work, and the next day will play their latest compilation for Czech fans in Prague.

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